Milk Storage & Dairy Refrigeration - Tekop Refrigeration

HomeServicesMilk and Dairy Products Refrigeration Systems

Milk and Dairy Products Refrigeration Systems

Refrigeration and quality protection of the milk and dairy products is essential for the prevention of bacterial growth and possible negative changes during processing. The risk of deterioration of milk and dairy products is shorter than the deterioration of other food products. The microorganisms in the dairy products cause the product to deteriorate below certain degrees. So, for the milk and dairy products to be healthier and longer lasting they should be kept in Milk Cold Storage Rooms. Milk Cold Storage Rooms guarantees the high quality of milk. Tekop Refrigeration, as an expert in the field of refrigeration offers customized solutions to your business in order for quick refrigeration of milk and dairy products and to ensure optimal conditions during storage with efficient, reliable and innovative equipment and project design.

Our profecional and experianced team provide for milk and dairy products cold room projects, renovations, modernisation, system optimisations and maintenance. 

Please contact with us for your required “Turn key” project requirements.

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