Controlled Atmosphere Cold Rooms - Tekop Refrigeration

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Controlled Atmosphere Cold Rooms

Atmosphere Controlled Cold Storage Room

Controlled Atmosphere Cold rooms manage ambient conditions at the warehouse, they decrease oxsygen level and increase carbon dioxide level in this way provide to save products longer than normal and ensure freshness .

Vegetables and Fruites respire; take in oxsygen and give off carbon dioxide because of that reason they are ripening and decay. The ripening make slower by the decrease of oxygen level at room inside.

Controlled Atmosphere Cold rooms ensure the product freshness and quality without any chemical use.

Our profecional and experianced team provide for Controlled Atmosphere Cold room projects, renovations, modernisation, system optimisations and maintenance.

Please contact with us for your all kind of ripening room requirements.

You can find more information about our services from our project website.

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Thanks to our expert engineer and architect team, we respond quickly to your cold room product requests and cold room project price offers.

If you want to see our project team and other colleagues, you can visit our Team page.